PhP Basics

Create a PHP page for this assignment. Use a combination of PHP, HTML and Javascript to perform the following processes.

  1. Create a variable called yourName. Assign it a value of your name.
  2. Display the assignment name in an h1 element on the page. Include the elements in your output.

    <h1>PHP BASICS<h1>

  3. Use HTML to put an h2 element on the page. Use PHP to display your name inside the element using the variable.

    Joshua Allen

  4. Create the following variables: number1, number2 and total. Assign a value to them.
  5. Display the value of each variable and the total variable when you add them together. 1 + 2 = 3
  6. Use PHP to create a Javascript array with the following values: PHP,HTML,Javascript. Output this array using PHP. Create a script that will display the values of this array on your page.