WDV221 Intro Javascript

In Class Lab Quiz


1. Create a global variable called inputFirstName.

2. Create a global variable called inputLastName.

3. Create a global variable called formattedName.

4. Create a function called loadName( ). The function will do the following:

5. Create a function called displayFormattedName( ). The function will do the following:

6. Use your characterCount( ) so the following button will display the number of characters in the formattedName variable.

7. Use your uppercaseName( ) so the following button will display the formattedName variable in all uppercase letters.

8. Display the following amount formatted as currency. 234551.4. Use a function to format, either one provided or of your own making.

9. Display today's date at the bottom of the page.

Click here to access my Javascript Home Work Page

Click here to access my Javascript Home Page